Red Hand Painted Clay Teepee Incense Holder
By Ian Snow Fair Trade
Maker Profile:
Employs: 9 people
Percentage paid statutory wage: 100%
Ratio working in factory/home: 100/0
✓ Paid Holiday
✓ Workers receive other benefits: Loan provisions exist for family, wedding, birth, death, education and medical reasons.
✓ Right to join trade unions and bargain collectively
✓ Freedom to raise concerns
✓ Health and Safety Compliant
✓ No Child or forced labour
✓ No discrimination in the workplace
✓ Women receive equal pay for equal work
Supports: Local charities – we offer financial help and donations to orphanages and disabled people in the community.
The use of harmful chemicals: None
Environmentally: Making efforts to move to paper less work environment, recyclable material for printing and packaging.
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